Collector Gifts

Chopping Fender Stratocaster-type, an indispensable utensil for your kitchen! Rock'n'roll in your salad!

ARTICLE N° 41127
  • Cutting board
  • Fender
  • Type Stratocaster
  • In alder wood
  • Clear Wood Finish
  • Ref: ZFEN0094034000
Fender Another must-have goodies! the American brand has a wide range of t-shirt and goodies to satisfy lovers!
The legendary brand of Fender guitars we propose here the must of goodies, a Reference

User's advice Collector Gifts
Planche A Decouper Stratocaster Fender

Planche A Decouper Stratocaster Fender

3 User's advice

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GABRIEL B 22/07/2022
  5 /5
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0 0 report
FRANCOIS P 20/04/2016
  5 /5
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Presque parfaite...
0 0 report
JEAN-CLAUDE L 25/07/2015
  5 /5
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Et de très belle facture. Parfaite, même pour le service, les jours de barbecue entre amis.
0 0 report

Spotlight on

Since 1946, Fender has been making instruments and amps that have changed the course of music history. The Telecaster, Stratocaster, Precision Bass and Jazz Bass are known around the world as the instruments that started the rock revolution, and they continue to be prized by musicians and collectors today. 
Everyone from beginners and amateurs to the world's most famous artists and performers have used Fender instruments and amps, making the company not only a revered name in the music industry, but also a cultural icon. also offers limited edition Fender guitar models. Be sure to claim yours before it sells out.

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